. Thursday, February 25, 2010
asses to all you asses man
what is wrong with y'all
k so out alr shut it larh
all the songs are like kkkkkkkkk
kbtnj shold not have came out you ass chn u
asses man
speaking of asses mr neil niel what ever shit i tell you
he so damn f*** shit okay he banged the table like 4 times
spill the sprite and made us stand sit stand sit ass hole lar
one more csssss that girl arh i tell you
damn extra one like d okay
she like :"okay can you do this with me?""toilet please?"
ass larh ass lar stupid i tell you stupid okay
she like so what like that "i'm from london my father came here to work..."
so what ughhh ass lar simple smells like one to
"who is the prettiest in our class?"
"do you think liann is pretty?"
"yar duhh"
"oh my god you think liann is pretty?"
"then who is the second prettiest?"
"oh my god, its so difficult to choose..."[combs hair infront of the mirror]
ass hole larh ughh,,..

. Thursday, February 18, 2010
thy---------------am sleepy lol gtg sleep

. Wednesday, February 17, 2010
just came back from cameron highlands
sweet~it was cold about like 17 .c ++
and had lots of fun with cousins and all but the
main point is today
anyway freda and her sniffs made her mad
she thought she lost her wallet
and then she tried playing the piano lol anyway
tmr i have cts history so gtg bb

. Wednesday, February 10, 2010
long time no talk lol.... sorry cts came up alr too faast
anyway gb is fun with 3 secc ones in there everything
still seems to be the same i wonder mayb for now
anyway miss kok made us go to sara;s function room and i think it
will not even fit us at all how>
just got to stand up to it and lots of ppl nw love go mi nam/you're beautiful
so old alr watch smile, you larh slow pokers and
i got to study now so bb

. Wednesday, February 3, 2010
today not a good day flu through the day
and our darl leadja cried after live lesson
she said her eye itched
then we went for MSP w/o iris
and had fun cause during break we went to
class and fooled around making them jealous with the sweets....
leyun ran out and talked to us
the we waatche the show agn and agn
i am damn pissed
CELESTIAL lee why gimme the note for i dun understand it at all?!

People I Love
Nat[Neh Neh]
Esheen[Ms Swan]
WeiLi[Thek Wee]
etc etc
dun mind if your name's not here it will be
in my heart

My name is shown above, (:
I may not be perfect, so are you.
I am Not to be juged by .
Your Preferences are not mine


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